
Occasionally I write about a topic that matters to me, something I also feel would also be of interest to my clients and visitors to my website. Should you wish to receive a notification when I write a new article, then drop me an email and I will do that for you. I am not a regular blogger, so posts will generally be infrequent.

The eco-friendly wallpapers you should be buying

The eco-friendly wallpapers you should be buying

Given the vast choice of wallpapers on the market, which ones are eco-friendly?
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Eco-friendly fabrics

Eco-friendly fabrics

Textile manufacturing is the second-largest water-polluting industry in the world, after agriculture. So what fabrics should we opt for?
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Using antiques in a modern interior

Using antiques in a modern interior

Mixing antiques with modern When people think of antiques, they often conjure up 'brown furniture', or a home that is...
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Wallpapers are not made from paper

Wallpapers are not made from paper

The word 'wallpaper' is a misnomer, and fools people into assuming wallpaper is made from paper. In fact, there are...
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Fabrics – what to avoid

Fabrics – what to avoid

Most of us take fabric for granted. What I mean by that, is what fibres make up a yarn. Particularly...
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Why I don’t offer silk to clients

Why I don’t offer silk to clients

Silk is natural and biodegradable. It takes dye extremely well, including eco-friendly vegetable dyes, and often comes in stunning jewel-like...
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Biophilic interior design

Biophilic interior design

I love being out in nature, whether it's going for a scenic walk, doing some gardening, or simply sitting quietly...
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My own eco lifestyle

My own eco lifestyle

As Ziboh is based at home, I treat my company and my household as one. We are not perfect, and...
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Tips on staging your home for sale

Tips on staging your home for sale

Also known as house doctoring, Home Staging is when you prepare your house for sale, in order to maximise its...
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