An Intro to Sustainable Interior Design
Where to start
Doing absolutely nothing would be the most environmentally friendly decision for your home interior. Yet TV programmes and magazines encourage us to buy the latest trends and fashions. But don’t rip everything out just because someone says it isn’t in vogue. If you like it, don’t change it.
However, if you need to update your decor, do it with care and consideration.
It’s about creating a beautiful space using products that have minimal impact on the environment.
Take a look around the room you want to improve and really think about what you absolutely need to change. Could that carpet be professionally cleaned, rather than sent to landfill? How about recovering that sofa, instead of throwing it out? Rather than purchasing brand new furniture, consider picking up pre-loved items, and give them a new lease of life with a quality makeover. Or have a craftsmen make you something.
Then it’s about avoiding being ‘greenwashed’. This is when something has the impression it is green, but in reality it isn’t. It can be a minefield out there, so allow me guide you.